Monday, February 28, 2011

For everything, there is a season

" Hope" (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ; Isaiah 40:7-8)

A plush green field
one bare tree
a winters season has left me cold

but life is all around me and your love binds me still to thee

Though seasons pass
and people change
You, oh Lord, stay the same

As time goes by and it's warm again
hope arises with each new day
Leaves bloom
out of a winters gloom
growth is evident once more

Back to our roots
where we find you
the deeper we go
You pull us through
to the heart of this life
to the unwavering hope that remains

To you, in you, through you we go on
Though "the grass withers" and "the flower fades...the word of our God will stand forever."

Well its been a little while since I've last updated so I decided to share my heart from this past weekend. In case you were curious the diet has been going well, I went away to visit a very dear friend this weekend so I was told it's always okay to splurge while vacationing ;)
However, its back to the gym tomorrow and I can't wait!

Though I've been so far away lately and run from the only source of hope and strength that is solid, He still has provided. This trip came at just the right time. A time get away, to laugh, to smile and to be smothered in love by a beautiful daughter of the King! My very dear friend, Kristen main will soon be heading off to Mexico, a place that God has placed so heavily on her heart. Though I do not deserve it, God ministered to me this weekend through her. I've never met someone who loves more passionately than her. She would argue this, but I can justify it but pointing back to the one I know has provided. He knew just what all of us needed this weekend.

Now for a bit on the poem I opened with. On our way back today after tears, hugs, and goodbyes we drove by countless open fields. Needles to say, as far as scenery goes its a pretty boring drive. Despite that, you'd come across random fields with beautiful green grass. You know that kind we haven't seen in so long!? In one field in the middle of the grass stood one lone tree. Though life was all around it, life was not evident on its branches. My mind just got to wondering away with that thought and how often I am that lone tree, surrounded by life but not truly living. Every winter depression kicks in like the unwelcomed enemy you don't remember inviting in. I feel its a daily thing, but this season is one where I feel its at its "heaviest". It drags, I go into defensive seclusion mode, and tend to push away those closest to me. I don't know if every winter will be the same, I don't know how long it will be a struggle of mine... it could very well be forever. However, I believe now despite pain that God is still the same God in this season that he has always been. I believe that if it's something I struggle with forever, he will provide ways to push past it, to cope, to avoid the pit I dig.

I don't know what it is for you. But we all have seasons in life that seem to drag and drain the most out of us... to where if we are real honest, it seems absolutely hopeless. I'll be the first to tell you there are times in dark places that I'd say there wasn't hope...knowing full well at the root of it all, Hope remains the same. Wherever your at, whether your in a season of joy or pain I urge you to cling to Him first and foremost. Thats what He is teaching me all over again, daily it seems. Its true that God puts us through seasons to teach us, grow us, and bring us closer to Him... and today I saw that in His creation and loved playing a verse through my mind back to my "roots" if you will. That His word stands forever. He stands forever.

The next hours that followed on the trip home went from a silly question game to very personal heartfelt questions. In vulnerable moments each person shared as I stared out the window, eyes filled with tears heart heavy with both gratitude and guilt... He is God, all the time. So though so many things are painful and to be honest with you it'd be so much easier to quit, Christ will always be for me... so I have no reason to.

I hope if your reading this you are encouraged in some way, and I hope that you hold on to his hope wherever you are at..."..... Christ in you, the hope of glory." ( Colossians 1:27)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beginnings. and some rambling.

Well hello! It's been a while...

I'm gonna try something out. Today I began a "diet" if you will. But really it was just the beginning of lots of other things in my life that need to be shed. I feel if I daily, or at least weekly (since I'm horrible at it) share my heart with transparency knowing people are reading, or that they have the ability to, it'll hold me accountable. I don't know yet if I'm transparent enough to share my starting weight just yet but lets just say my goal is to lose 30.

This morning didn't go as planned. My mom for months now has been getting up and going to the gym every morning at 5:00. She is so commited and I'm so stinking proud of her. Just all the more reason to want to be like her. Anyway! I was supposed to go with her this morning and yean...thaaaat didn't happen. Normally its something that would discourage me to the point of just saying "eh I'll just not do it at all now". Silly I know, but remember I'm being transparent here. But today I made one simple choice before leaving the house. I simply told myself I'd do my best to make it a good day, and I would find someone to go to the gym with me that night.

Well as my day was winding down I get a text from Jordan asking me to come to bible study that night. It's been a long while since I've been but the thought had crossed my mind several times that day but I knew I wanted to work out, so that was my excuse. Well pregnant ladies like to work out too! May sound silly to some, but I know that God had his hand in that, and to me with so much weighing on me it just felt freeing. Never underestimate the simplicty of the little things you do for someone. Flash back to high school and ask me if I'd be walking on a tredmill next to Jordan Morgan (Summers) and her be pregnant of all things, and I'd laugh in your face! One word to describe her, if I had to chose, Faithful. And I have to brag. I have to, because I can deffinetly justifty this public applaud by pointing it back to God... and that warms my heart more than I can explain. He has been faithful, and has proven his faithfulness through her life and friendship time and time again.

Tonight at bible study we happened to hit on one of my favorite psalms, psalm 51. It's become one of my favorite over the years shamefully because its comforting to know "a man after God's own heart" was broken in that way before God over the mess He got himself into. I've gotten myself into a WHOLE lot of messes, and He is constantly pulling me out. There is only so much pulling there though. Not to say he couldn't but like we read tonight the heart must be willing. In some small way I took a step towards that today. This is a bunch of jumbled up thoughts and ramblings and for all I know no one will read this, however, if you are than your about to join me on a journey down a road of healing. Something thats always helped me is to write. It's been a while since I had but last night I sat down and did for the first time in months. Just got to a point where I had to stop thinking about my situation, and more about the fact that He has overcome that and then some.... and that, is a beautiful thing.

"Grace" ( 2/16/11 )


Infects your thoughts
touches every part
sneaks up from the dark
pulls away from the light
its just not right

Alone tonight
no one around
I toss, I turn, I cry

A self inflicted wound buried deep takes hold
like a cancer to my soul
I give it control

It stings it burns
a lesson not learned..


Alone that night
No one around
they taunted, they spat
and mocked the holy ground

A wound inflicted by his children
pours out the blood of the grace that would heal them

We stumble
we stray
we begin to believe the lie that life is about getting what you deserve

He stumbled
He stayed
on path to calvary
by his wounds we are healed...
He got what we deserved
