There are things in my life I've grown up knowing to be wrong. Drinking, sex outside of marriage, cheating, lying , stealing, homosexuality. As I've grown up though I've started to view people who partake in such things a little differently. Maybe its because I've made my mistakes, and failed miserably several times to do the right thing. Maybe its because I know first hand what its like for a person to love you no matter what you've done or where you've been. When I say that I don't just mean Christ (although he does, and that amazes me daily), I'm also speaking of some amazing people he has placed specifically in my life. I see these people as lost and in need of love and truth more than I do the need for them to be "put in their place". I see brokenness, I see pain. I see people who haven't had the luxury of growing up with these truths instilled in them.
November 7th a group called soulforce is coming to Central Baptist College.
Their Mission statement is this: "The mission of Soulforce is to cut off homophobia at its source -- religious bigotry. Soulforce uses a dynamic "take it to the streets" style of activism to connect the dots between anti-gay religious dogma and the resulting attacks on the lives and civil liberties of LGBT Americans. We apply the creative direct action principles taught by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. to peacefully resist injustice and demand full equality for LGBT citizens and same-gender families."
Though I do not agree with what they preach I can catch a glimpse of maybe where their hearts are at. The Jesus I know through scripture was among the sinners. From greedy tax collectors, to prostitutes, to women with five husbands, to a man who persecuted and stoned Christians, Jesus was there. Though I don't agree with the way they make transgender relationships to be right, I do agree with the love factor. Though we shouldn't condone a person's sin, we shouldn't cut them off completely from Christ's love. If we are called to be holy, because He is holy. If we were made in his image called to be christ like, why are we throwing these people off of our campus? Yes they are coming uninvited. Yes they may be in our faces. Yes what they practice isn't true, but have we forgotten the truth in what WE practice? Or do we practice it all, or just bits and pieces? I fully believe that if Christ were here today he would love on these people like crazy, just dying to shed some light on the truth. However, I am very aware of the fact we have meetings going on during the exact same time period. I'm very aware that it would cause a lot of conflict, so for that reason I understand asking them to leave. But its everyones attitudes about them coming that really puts me on the edge of my seat right now. I guess I'm just frustrated. Christians today mare the face of Christ so much ( myself included).
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I shouldn't be so defensive and jumpy. I for one don't claim to know it all, or have it all together.... but I just have this notion that there is a better way to approach this then so many students are. In know way I'm directing this towards the staff, I understand why they are doing what they are doing. But why trash them? Why look on with hateful eyes? What do we gain from that? What does God's kingdom gain from that?
Yes its organizations like this that give christianity a bad name. Its organizations like those that wave signs of dead babies, or signs that say "God hates you". God loves these people. Did God hate us before we became to know him personally? I'd say one of the simplest, most amazing scripture verses would beg to differ (John 3:16). So don't get me wrong, I disagree. I believe abortion is wrong, just as much as I believe homosexuality is wrong; but I also disagree with the way so many people today approach it. We are no better then them we attack from angles left and right.
I apologize if i offended anyone. I apologize if I came off rude or pushy, or a know it all. I most certainly don't know it all. For all I know I could be way of base. But like I said before, something just doesn't feel right about the way people approach these people. Our God is a God of wrath, love, and mercy. However, its not our place to condemn. It's our place to love the sinner and hate the sin. Thoughts? Because I'm not quite sure what to think.